Monday, October 15, 2012

The Power of Traffic Calming

Automobile traffic dominates the built environment of our urban cities. It not only rules the road by means of infrastructure, but also with the weight and velocity of its many parts. With the infrastructure green light (pun!) and the freedom to careen at unmatchable speeds, the United States road is discriminating and an overall attack on non-motorize accessibility. Some may argue that the roads are made for cars, thus you do not witness the automobile infiltrating sidewalks or bike lanes. It is true that the road was primarily designed for the car, though carbon-neutral and more vulnerable modes must safely access them as well. The path of the automobile is pervasive and crosscutting, marginalizing all other forms of transportation such as walking, wheeling, and biking.

Traffic calming, which is “the process of slowing down traffic so that street environment is safer and more conducive to pedestrians, cyclists, shoppers, and residential life,” is mostly implemented through physical alteration of roadways (Newman and Kenworthy, as cited in Wheeler and Beatley). The notion of traffic calming is inherently at odds with many daily commuters. These calming measures can add to congestion and travel time for motorists. Although the measures seem like an attack on the personal automobile and other motorized vehicles, they are simply making the streets safer and more appropriate for non-motorists. This leveling of the playing field may further inconvenience for drivers, but it certainly enables the convenience of other modes.

In the name of accessibility, here are some of the ways that transportation planners are developing strategic designs to calm the incessant buzz of traffic in our communities:

Textured Pavement

Source: Construction Photography

Chicane (or S-Shaped Diverter)

Source: Richard Drdul, Flickr

Neck-Down (or Choker)

Source City of Richmond

Speed Bump (or Speed Hump)

Source: City of Lynnwood


Source: Calm Streets Boston

Other traffic calming tools and methods include adding bike lanes, narrowing the number of street lanes, and simple landscaping designs (e.g., planting trees on roadsides). The following video further describes common traffic calming measures:

According to Newman and Kenworthy, slowing traffic with the use of traffic calming mechanisms has many benefits: reduction in traffic accidents, better air quality, less noise pollution, increased sense of community, and decrease crime rates.

Unfortunately, traffic calming measures are not flawless. There are also a number of disadvantages associated with these structures. Traffic congestion and public outcry can result if the municipal governments that implement the measures do not effectively socially market the new barriers. Unaware drivers are likely to make illegal moves and endanger the lives pedestrians and cyclists (e.g., veering into bike lanes). The demand for personal automobile use will rise during the winter season and regular adverse conditions, and traffic calming measures can catalyze congestion. Also if the calming measures are not widely implemented traffic will simply be diverted to other roadways. Lastly, as discussed in class, emergency vehicles can be delayed due to measures such as speed bumps, endangering public safety. The following video touches upon that point:

Personally, I am a big fan of traffic calming. It makes drivers more aware and allows them to operate their vehicles at a safe speed. I do not believe, however, that traffic calming is a sole solution to accessibility. Traffic calming should be couple with other transportation measures such as 4-6 ft. wide sidewalks and efficient public transit.

In my neighborhood in Indianapolis, there was a controversial traffic calming scheme put into place on 62nd Street, a four-lane roadway going in and out of Broad Ripple Village. For those of you unfamiliar with Indianapolis, Broad Ripple Village is an area akin to Kirkwood Avenue, a cultural hub lined with bars, boutiques, and restaurants. Members of the public approached The Indianapolis Office of Sustainability to scale 62nd Street from a four-lane street to a two-lane street with the addition of two bike lanes, one on each side of the street. After months of construction, the street was narrowed and the bike lanes were complete. What you think would have been a celebratory moment for my neighborhood turned into communal backlash. According to Kristen Trovillion of The Office of Sustainability, the Department of Public Works received frequent complaints for weeks. Traffic was backed up for blocks. Drivers did not understand how to navigate the road without veering into the bike lanes. It was a mess. Eventually, the area learned to live with the lanes, but not without a struggle.

It is funny how sustainability measures can sound great on paper, but when implemented in communities, neighbors tend to backlash at the reality of the change. The reality is that the future of sustainability holds a world of sacrifice, and our readiness and willpower to change our habits is very important.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

3-Point Plan for Sustainable Eating III

The third installation of my project update finds me patiently observing the effects of my compost, grappling with my self-imposed rain barrel budget, and sticking to the basics with my plant-based meals. Even though my personal project has momentarily taken the backseat to preparing for midterms, I continue to contribute a little time each week to making some progress.


My pile is at risk of being oversaturated with coffee grounds, filters, and tea bags. Those green materials have been stacking up rather quickly (mostly attributed to my studies), therefore autumn has arrived at the perfect time. I am in need of more brown materials to layer onto the pile. Composting has made me reflect much on how much food I eat and waste. As hard as I try, I have not been able to keep up with my spinach leaves and other green veggies. Many of them spoil before I can make a dent in my fridge stock. Though it is good for my compost pile, I have to reevaluate how much I buy at the grocery store or how much of my meals are incorporating fresh vegetables. I have an inkling I’m not very creative at incorporating vegetables into my lunches and dinners, and I cannot think outside the box (the frozen, process food box, that is). That leads me to my plant-based meals, which I will discuss shortly.

Here are the two very informative compost sources I have been using:

Composting 101

Home Composting Made Easy

Both lend helpful hints on how to get the most out of your pile. I consult them both when I am weary about my carbon to nitrogen ratio. For my first stab at it, I think I am doing okay, mixing the pile a couple times a week. In the future, it would be great to really pay attention to layers and incorporate worms.

Here are some photos of my progress (riveting, right?):

Rain Barrel

Oh rain barrel, how I wish to acquire you. My $20 budget was intended to be a challenge, and it has succeeded in doing so. Since I refuse to use PVC pipes, I have to resort to the more expensive metal tubing materials. The more robust materials and sealant are pricey, but I am optimistic that it can still be done! When I have asked around at the larger supermarkets for any extra or unused food barrels, they are either confused or do not have any. I have only reached out in passing, but intend to phone other types of establishments in the near future. I have a feeling that I’ll get luckily with some of the car washes around town. My $20 budget will not suffice without obtaining a barrel for no cost. To be continued…

Plant-Based Meals

Although this part of the project was aimed at cooking up some delicious cuisines, my time constrained diet and laziness have gotten the best of me. Lately, I have relied mainly on spinach salads (though I still can’t get through the entire bag before it goes bad, does this happen to any of you?) and bell peppers with hummus. No the hummus is not homemade! But I intend to improve this part of my project. Cereal for dinner must cease. Tonight I plan to prepare Fennel Mushrooms.
The recipe appeared on my Gmail ticker earlier this week and I have been thinking about it ever since. I will be sure to let you know how it tastes!